The quality of your integration has a direct impact on how well Sift Science works for your business. We rely on your data to detect fraud patterns, so it’s really important to ensure you have the best possible integration to send us that data.

That’s why we’re excited to announce updates to the Integration Health page that make it easier for you to report on the state of your integration. Developers can now efficiently monitor and investigate any issue they might encounter when connecting an online business with Sift Science.

You can access the updated Integration Health page via the Developer tab on the Sift Science console. Use this page to report on the overall state of your integration, dive deeper, or prioritize specific aspects of your integration that require additional help.

Let’s go over the four main sections of the new experience – Integration Overview, Volume Overview, Errors Overview and Activity Overview.

Integration Overview

This area lets you assess the overall state of your Sift Science integration. If we’ve detected any issues, we’ll surface the number of errors we’ve seen over a period of time. This will help you determine the urgency of the errors and save you time and resources.

Volume Overview

See a summary of errors, events, app and browser activity, and Decisions you’ve sent back to Sift Science. Use this data to see how key integration components are performing.

Errors Overview

Use this section to manage and prioritize issues impacting your integration. Look at the timeline of errors as well as the top errors. You can dig deeper by using the interactive timeline for more detailed investigations to access the corresponding API logs.

Activity Overview

Here, you can holistically review your integration. Zoom into specific events to see how they are performing. Expand individual API events to get more granular data, including key metrics such as volume and error count. We’ve provided relevant tips and pointers to ensure you can resolve any issue, saving you valuable time and effort.

Just getting started with Sift Science? These new features page can help you debug and resolve issues before they get deployed. For teams looking to do more with Sift Science, the page can be useful to identify new integration points to improve your overall accuracy.  

The updated Integration Health page is built to make it effortless to manage and report on your Sift Science Integration. To learn more or see how you can improve your integration, check out our integration guide or API reference documents. As always, we love to hear back from you. Feel free to email us at [email protected]

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integration health page


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